South Wigston High School

Location: South Wigston, Leicestershire
Headteacher’s name: Mrs Susan Webb

Pupils: 842
Consultant: Richard Wilding

School background

South Wigston prides itself on developing young people as indi-viduals. We offer a wide range of enrichment activities including sport, drama, music, Duke of Edinburgh Bronze award, to name but a few. We are very proud of the young people who make up South Wigston High School and our partnership with parents and the wider community.

School’s previous Lighting situation

The school’s existing lighting was a mixture of out-dated fluo-rescent tubes and bulkhead lights. They were expensive to run and the cost of maintaining them was high. Many rooms, in particular the school halls and the sports hall, have high ceilings which require specialist access equipment, increasing the cost of maintenance further.


After researching the advantages of LED lighting, South Wigston High School decided to replace their existing fluorescent fixtures with the highest performance LED products manufactured by Luceco Ltd. The money to fund the new lights, was already in the schools budget and being spent on wasted energy. The School lowered energy cost by 70% and zeroed ongoing maintenance costs, allowing the school to fund the new lights using a Department for Education approved Operating Rental without increasing expenditure.

The school now has new LED lighting throughout the building keeping classrooms properly lit. Sensors add to the savings and the whole school has a brighter and more up to date feel.

End Result

With over 800 LED lamps installed, South Wigston High School now has improved classroom lighting, reduced energy consumption by 70% or £17,592 per year and requires zero hours of maintenance time changing lamps.

We are extremely pleased with the LED lighting upgrade supplied by RS Lighting and funded by Less is More Capital. Having completed CIF & Salix bids in the past, this was a fantastic solution to my on-going challenge. It has meant a nicer environment for our students, teachers and employees. In addition, we’re saving substantial money and carbon each month. The team were professional and quick, amazed with the turnaround to a whole school solution. We’re happy we made the change to LED only wish we had done it sooner.

Martin Towers, School Business Manager

Above shows the Schools Library fitted with 600×600 LED Lux Panels.

The Picture above shows the Sports Centre corridor fitted with 28w LED Bulkheads